DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK organizes four major plenary meetings for our members throughout the year to increase our members' knowledge regarding specific biotech topics and to facilitate networking. The events usually take place in February, May, September and November.

We also organize approximately four "saloon" meetings annually. They are small, intimate, "meet the expert" meetings with typically 6-20 participants advocating more in-depth discussion and knowledge-sharing on specific themes.

30 Jun 2020

Free book download for our members: Assembled Chaos: Accelerate your medical research career while changing the future of medicine…

As you probably realise consortia are becoming an increasingly common way to conduct medical research and innovation.

The book Assembled Chaos: Accelerate your medical research career while changing the future of medicine through highly interactive consortia by the founder of BioSci Consulting, Scott Wagers, is based upon experiences with a number of major consortium projects. It focuses on the fact that consortia are not business as usual for medical research and innovation. Scott’s goal in publishing the book is to help the medical research and innovation community get the most out of consortium projects.

A complimentary copy of the book is now available for DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK members:  https://www.biosciconsulting.com/assembled-chaos-free-copy

    If you cannot find what you are looking for or if you have feedback to our website, please do not hesitate to contact ps@danskbiotek.dk or +45 7172 1114

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