Venue: Medicon Valley Alliance, Auditorium, Edvard Thomsens Vej 14, 2300 Copenhagen S
Date: 08/11/2018
Time: 9:00 - 13:00
Welcome to BIO-Europe side event – Microbiome
– in collaboration with Medicon Valley Alliance Microbiome Network
BIO-Europe is coming to Copenhagen 5th – 7th of November this year. This is a unique opportunity to showcase regional life science strongholds and reach out to the many international guests before they travel back.
In order to seize this opportunity, Medicon Valley Alliance (MVA), Invest in Skåne, Copenhagen Capacity, and MVA Microbiome Network have joined forces and decided to bring together international and regional preclinical and clinical researchers, medtech, biotech and the pharmaceutical industry to present and to discuss new exciting innovations in the field of Microbiome.