Biotek Salon #17: Workshop on Early Stage Valuation: Narratives and Numbers

starts:25/10/2018 ends:25/10/2018 from:14:30 to:17:00 address:COBIS, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N mobile:+4551500560 email: price:Free of charge for the members, Non members: 500 DKK Import to calendar
COBIS, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
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  • 14:30
    Registration and networking
  • 15:00
    Welcome by DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK and Farmantra
  • 15:15
    Workshop on Early Stage Valuation by Saurabh Mishra, Farmantra
  • -
    Valuation and pricing interactive exercise
  • -
    Discussion on numbers and narratives
  • -
    Case study on past valuations
  • -
    Negotiation strategy with investors
  • 16:45
    Networking and refreshments
  • Biotek Salon #17

Venue: COBIS, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N

Date: 25/10/2018

Time: 14:30 - 17:00

Most of the time, valuation is considered a numbers’ game or building complex models. Does creating complex models lead to a good valuation?

In this workshop, we will explore how a good early stage valuation is actually a mix of building right narratives backed by numbers. We will also bust a few myths such as ‘early stage products cannot be valued’ or ‘your product is so unique that it is difficult to find comparable companies’.

After this workshop you should be able to understand the following:

  • Difference between Value and Price. Parameters that drive Value and Price. Do VCs care about Value or Price? Are you in a position to negotiate with investors?
  • How can you value an early stage product/technology with the right narratives and numbers?
  • How can you forecast and be consistent? How would you manage the uncertainties in the life cycle of your product/technology?
  • Understand misconceptions/myth related to valuation. Some of them are discussed here
  • What are the factors involved in negotiation with the Investors – liquidation preferences, dilution and others?

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussions.

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