
  • Biotek Salon #21

CANCELLED / POSTPONED: Biotek Salon #21: IP strategies for biotechs – Why is it important?

starts:01/10/2020 ends:01/10/2020 from:14:30 to:17:00 address:COBIS, M10, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N mobile:+45 51500560 email: price:Free of charge for members; non-members: 500 DKK Import to calendar
COBIS, M10, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
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Venue: COBIS, M10, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N

Date: 01/10/2020

Time: 14:30 - 17:00

As a consequence of covid-19 restrictions, it has been decided to cancel the planned the Biotek Salon #21 on Thursday 1 October 2020.

DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK and LUNDGREN’s Law firm are very sorry about this, as we had an exciting program lined up and had looked forward to meeting our members again. However, we will revisit the event as soon as Denmark is ‘back to normal’ and large gatherings are safe again.

DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK & LUNDGREN’s Law firm invite you to a workshop on the importance of IP strategies within the biotech industry – in particular focusing on early stage biotech companies


14:30 Registration and networking

15:00 Welcome by Hans Schambye, Chairman of DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK, and Rasmus Vang, Director and Attorney-at-law at LUNDGREN’s Law firm

15:05 The following speakers

  • Andreas Jurgeit, Partner at LUNDBECKFONDEN EMERGE
  • Nicka Kirstejn, Managing Partner and European Patent Attorney at aera
  • Rasmus Vang, Director and Attorney-at-law at LUNDGRENS’s Law firm
  • Emilie Lerstrøm, Attorney-at-law at LUNDGREN’s Law firm
  • Christian Grøndahl, Dr Med, Co-founder, and CEO at SNIPR BIOME

will go through and facilitate discussions on:

  • Investors’ perspectives on IP strategies and key matters when assessing a biotech investment target
  • Patent strategies – filing strategies and freedom-to-operate
  • The legal and contractual aspects of implementing an IP strategy, including practical examples
  • The importance of having an IP strategy in biotech – case example from SNIPR BIOME

16:30 Questions and discussions

17:00 Networking, snacks, and refreshments

To accommodate covid-19 restrictions, max. 50 people will be allowed at the event on a first come first served basis. Furthermore, face masks and sanitizer will be available to everybody.

Flyer – Dansk Biotek event_Lundgrens

If you cannot find what you are looking for or if you have feedback to our website, please do not hesitate to contact or +45 7172 1114

Copyright 2020 DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK. All rights reserved.