Venue: Online
Date: 08/04/2021
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
The digital meeting is focusing on identifying and attracting funding for companies in the early stages of development. Attracting funds for early stage lifescience companies is challenging, however necessary, to ensure further development and growth. Funding can come from many different sources; public soft money, business angels, specialized VCs and through IPOs.
This webinar will highlight some aspects of allocating funding and give some advice on how to focus on value creation in early stages as well as some concrete examples of funds available in Medicon Valley. In the meeting you will get a fresh update on the current investment climate in the region from the Scandinavian Investor Climate report by NY consulting, as well as meeting some of the organisations supporting early stage companies financially.
Sign up here. Deadline for registration is 6th of April 2021.
For more information please contact Sofia Norås: