How can your R&D benefit from ESS?

starts:07/03/2017 ends:07/03/2017 address:Auditorium, Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 Copenhagen mobile:+45 2337 0040 email: www: Link >> Import to calendar


  • 12:30
  • 13:00
    Welcome; Petter Hartman, CEO Medicon Valley Alliance
  • 13:10
    The European Spallation Source; John Womersley, Director-General ESS
  • 13:30
    Industrial Use of ESS; Andreas Schreyer, Director for Sciences ESS
  • 13:50
    The Benefits of neutrons for Life Sciences; Andreas Bøgglid, Århus University
  • 14:10
    LINX- the Danish Industry Portal; Jimmy Binderup, Director LINX Association
  • 14:25
    Coffee Break
  • 14:45
    The Swedish ESS Strategy in regards to Industry; Natasa Pahlm Vinovva
  • 15:00
    Case Studies
  • 15:20
    Structured Discussion (Moderator: Allen Weeks; Head of Communications & External Relations, ESS)
  • 16:00

Venue: Auditorium, Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 Copenhagen

Date: 07/03/2017

In our region there is a construction going on for the world’s most powerful pulsed neutron source. It is currently being build in Lund, Sweden.

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a multi-disciplinary research facility enabling new opportunities for researchersacross the spectrum of scientific discovery, including life sciences, energy, environmental technology, cultural heritage and fundamental physics.

To make sure that the Life Science Industry takes advantage of this opportunity, Medicon Valley Alliance with cooperation of the European Spallation Source invites you to take part in this seminar.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn what big science facilities like ESS can offer to industry and how companies can enhance their research capacity to carry out experiments at these facilities. The event will also address strategic market players, which have their own research infrastructure, as human capital transfers and knowledge transfers are crucial for further development within individual branches of industry.

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