
  • FDA-EMA Seminar Save the Date May 6-7 2020

-P O S T P O N E D- Joint FDA-EMA Seminar

starts:06/05/2020 ends:07/05/2020 organizer: address:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eigtved Pakhus, Copenhagen, Denmark email: Import to calendar
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eigtved Pakhus, Copenhagen, Denmark
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Venue: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eigtved Pakhus, Copenhagen, Denmark

Date: 06/05/2020

                                   -P O S T P O N E D-
More information to follow when a new date is available.

The Embassy of Denmark in Washington, DC is proud to present for the first time a seminar in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This seminar might be quite relevant to DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK members.

The 2-day seminar will be led by FDA and EMA officials and include preliminary topics such as; Innovation, Regenerative Medicines, Precision Medicine, MRA and International Collaboration, Real-World Evidence, Oncology and Tumor Agnostic Development, Breakthrough PRIME, and Patient-Centric Regulatory work.

Why Attend?

  • Understand the latest developments and critical changes underway to create successful strategies in the USA & Europe
  • Benchmark your regulatory strategies against agency requirements
  • Opportunity for brief one-on-one meetings with FDA & EMA officials

Registration fee = 7,000 DKK/person

  • Covers 2-day seminar, all materials, lunches and refreshments
  • Seating is limited

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