
    Medicon Valley Alliance Good Morning Meeting on Cancer immunotherapies – Preparing for a successful clinical program

    starts:19/09/2019 ends:19/09/2019 from:8:30 to:11:00 address:Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Alle 15 , 2300 Ørestad City, Copenhagen, Ground floor email: www: Link >> Import to calendar
    Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Alle 15 , 2300 Ørestad City, Copenhagen, Ground floor
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    Venue: Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Alle 15 , 2300 Ørestad City, Copenhagen, Ground floor

    Date: 19/09/2019

    Time: 8:30 - 11:00

    Welcome to Medicon Valley Alliance Good Morning Meeting on Cancer immunotherapies – Preparing for a successful clinical program with KLIFO.

    Recent advances in immuno-oncology have shown great promise for effective and safer treatments.

    Best examples are the check point inhibitors which are moving towards first line treatment in various cancer types. Currently, numerous drug modalities within immuno-oncology are pursued resulting in a vast clinical activity. To ensure rapid market entry and benefit for larger patient segments, new complex clinical trial designs (covering e.g. ‘umbrella’ and ‘basket’ designs) have emerged concomitantly. For biotech companies entering immuno-oncology, it is important to be able to navigate safely within this evolving field to secure timely progress optimizing investor value.

    This MVA oncology seminar will address the importance of engaging in early drug development strategies, hereunder the clinical development plan encompassing regulatory and trial design considerations.



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