
    Medicon Valley Alliance Microbiome Network and its 4th meeting!

    starts:21/10/2019 ends:21/10/2019 from:17:00 to:20:00 address:Nielsine Nielsen Auditorium, Maersk Tower, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N mobile:+45 2337 0040 email: www: Link >> Import to calendar
    Nielsine Nielsen Auditorium, Maersk Tower, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N
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    Venue: Nielsine Nielsen Auditorium, Maersk Tower, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N

    Date: 21/10/2019

    Time: 17:00 - 20:00

    Welcome to Medicon Valley Alliance Microbiome Network and the 4th meeting!

    Translational Microbiome Research in Medicon Valley

    The microbiome community in the Medicon Valley region is vibrant and growing. Medicon Valley Alliance, together with one of our members – University of Copenhagen – welcomes you to the 4th MVA Microbiome Network meeting. Hear about ongoing translational microbiome research and a newly initiated EU-funded microbiome project as well as network with microbiome researchers from industry and academia.

    The MVA Microbiome Network
    Our ambition with the MVA Microbiome Network is to create opportunities for microbiome researchers from industry, academia, and health care to meet and collaborate.

    Joining the network is free of charge but is limited to Medicon Valley Alliance members. However, non-member organizations and companies are welcome to attend one network event to evaluate if joining the network is relevant. If so, becoming a member of Medicon Valley Alliance will automatically allow you to join the microbiome network.

    If you cannot find what you are looking for or if you have feedback to our website, please do not hesitate to contact or +45 7172 1114

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