Venue: Online
Date: 09/06/2021
Time: 15:00 - 17:30
DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK members are invited to BCF Group’s upcoming “Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Online Conference 2021”, which will take place on the 9th of June 2021 at 15:00 CET
Among the speakers are Mr. Ricardo Flidor Totovao, Scientific Collaborator at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Dr. Ankit Rochani, Research Fellow and Instructor at Thomas Jefferson University, Dr. Gautam Pangu, Clinical Supply Program Lead at Merck and Mr. Nimitt Chokshi, Senior Research Associate at Intas Pharmaceuicals.
Main topics of the online conference:
- Nanoproducts Multifunctionality Significance
- Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery
- Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
- Nanotechnology for Personalized Medicine
- Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology in the Environment
DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK members can join on a discounted price 260Euro/delegate (including post materials), valid until 28.05.2021, by using our online registration form and receive:
- Participation on the webinar
- Recording of the conference
- List of attendees
- Speakers’ presentations
For more information about program, speakers & topics to be discussed – kindly view the attached agenda.