
    SUND INNOVATION DAY 2023 – Role models in innovation

    starts:23/10/2023 ends:23/10/2023 from:14:00 to:17:00 organizer: address:Mærsk Tower, 15th floor Import to calendar

    Venue: Mærsk Tower, 15th floor

    Date: 23/10/2023

    Time: 14:00 - 17:00

    Annual theme: Role models in innovation
    23 October
    Mærsk Tower, 15th floor

    The Pipeline Innovation team is pleased to invite you to the annual SUND Innovation Day at theFaculty of Health and Medical Sciences.

    The event is a celebration of the innovative mind and entrepreneurial spirit of researchers atUCPH. We bring together researchers, staff members, experts from the industry and venturecapital. The day will give a unique opportunity to learn from inspiring pioneers in translational andinnovative research:

    Whether you are involved in research and innovation yourself or simply interested in learning from fellow researchers and seeking inspiration, join us for an inspiring afternoon with networking, drinks and snacks.

    Please reserve your spot:

    Nominate your research project for the UCPH: BII Life Science InnovationAward 2023.

    The Pipeline Innovation team is calling all life science researchers from UCPH to nominate theirresearch project for the UCPH: BII Life Science Innovation Award 2023.

    Deadline: September 12

    We are looking for projects addressing an unmet need. Projects with a clear societal impact thatwill make a difference to the end users. BioInnovation Institute has generously sponsored theprizes for the three winning projects.

    Kind regards,
    Trine Winterø, Vice-Dean for Innovation & External Relations

    If you cannot find what you are looking for or if you have feedback to our website, please do not hesitate to contact or +45 7172 1114

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