Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Standgade 25D 1401 Copenhagen
Date: 31/05/2022
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
Join the pre-release of the new communication material on Danish health data and get news on the health data initiatives.
Come along when The Danish Health Data Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark invite you to join their pre-release on the new communication material on the opportunities using Danish health data for research and development for foreign researchers and life science companies.
The event is a pre-release for the launch of “Data for life” – a new international campaign on the strongholds of Danish health data and targeted foreign players.
You will have the opportunity to be briefed about a number of ongoing development projects on improving the use of the Danish health Data, and to gain knowledge on the perspectives in using the Danish health data from a user’s perspective.
Sign up for the after-work event must be through the link below. There will be a limited number of participants and seats are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Closing date for registration is May 24th. Please feel free to forward this invitation to additional relevant people within your organization.
Target group: Private life science companies and public institutions working with health data.
Note: The event will be in Danish.