DANISH BIO – DANSK BIOTEK organizes four major plenary meetings for our members throughout the year to increase our members' knowledge regarding specific biotech topics and to facilitate networking. The events usually take place in February, May, September and November.

We also organize approximately four "saloon" meetings annually. They are small, intimate, "meet the expert" meetings with typically 6-20 participants advocating more in-depth discussion and knowledge-sharing on specific themes.

13 Dec 2023

Gubra and Boehringer Ingelheim sign 4th partnership, expanding their successful obesity treatment discovery collaboration

Today, Gubra announces the signing of a new research and license agreement with Boehringer Ingelheim to discover novel peptides for the treatment of obesity. The new research collaboration builds on the successfully progressing joint research projects between the companies. It takes on a new approach to identify, validate and develop innovative treatments with the aim of improving health outcomes for people living with obesity.

Obesity is a complex chronic disease that is interconnected with other conditions across the cardio-renal-metabolic disease spectrum. It increases the risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and cancer and can significantly reduce quality of life and life expectancy. The global prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically over the last decade. According to WHO it nearly tripled between 1975 and 2016, affecting around 650 million adults worldwide today. New treatments based on a holistic understanding of obesity and its interconnections are needed to be able to offer tolerable and efficient treatments to all affected people.

“We are very pleased to enter another important collaboration and license agreement with Boehringer Ingelheim. Obesity is a growing worldwide problem and joining forces on this new research program has the potential to take obesity treatment to the next level to the benefit of patients around the world”, said Henrik Blou, CEO of Gubra.

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